Quail Hollow Elementary:
A Place Where Students’ Voices Matter

Mr. Graham, Principal

Mrs. Kara Smucker, Principal

Ms. Nicole Sciarratta, Assistant Principal
Please make certain that we have telephone number(s) where you (the parent/guardian) can be reached during the school day. In addition, please make certain that we have the phone number of an emergency contact person whom we could reach in the event that we are unable to contact you.
Parent/Teacher conferences are encouraged. Each time a parent attends a conference in school, the teacher will complete a conference form which summarizes what was discussed. Conferences must be scheduled in advance.
Payment – Students are encouraged to pay weekly for their meals. Checks should be made payable to Quail Hollow Elementary or QHES. Students will need to learn their six-digit student identification number. This is the number used for the computerized food service system.
Lunch from home – Students may bring their own lunches to school. Please, no glass containers or bottles, candy or carbonated beverages.
All food items are to be consumed in the cafeteria. If parents wish to have lunch with their child, they may purchase an adult meal. A parent and his/her child may eat fast food in the cafeteria at the visitor’s table. Due to the fact that all school meals must meet the U. S. government guidelines for food service, we ask that parents limit the amount of food brought from other vendors. (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Subway, etc.). Parents are not permitted at recess.
Cafeteria procedures, rules and expectations will be shared by the principal and assistant principal within the first week of school. It is expected that students act respectful and responsible in the dining area.
The discipline policies for our school are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. Please take the time to review this section with your child. At our school we believe it is our job to keep the School Family safe and we believe it is your child’s job to help keep our school family safe.
The school day ends officially at 3:50 p.m. Car riders will be picked up in our car rider loop. Parents/guardians must remain in the car and be prepared to show the car tag which is obtained at the time your child is registered. Only parents/guardians of Pre-K students may walk up to pick up children.
Our school’s homework policy is as follows:
- Homework should meet the needs of the individual student.
- Homework assignments should be thoroughly understood.
- Homework will not be assigned as a disciplinary measure.
Student accident insurance is available for parents to purchase. Should an accident/injury occur at school, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to assume the costs involved with respect to the accident/injury.
Lost items are placed on a clothing rack in our school’s main hallway. We encourage you to label your child’s backpack, lunch box, jackets, sweaters, coats, etc. to help us return items.
Class or team parties are kept to a minimum. Please expect communication from the school princpial/teacher prior to these celebrations.
Academic progress reports are sent home at the midpoint of each nine-week period. Report Cards are sent home at the end of each nine-week period. Conferences are encouraged and may be set up if you wish to discuss your child’s progress. Teachers will also be contacting you throughout the year to request a conference as needed.
On rainy days the students are released to go to their buses and car from a different location. This delays departure and we ask for be patience.
School pictures will be taken twice during the year. Yearbooks will be for sale during the year, look for news.
Students’ birthdays this year will be celebrated on the morning announcements and the birthday boys and girls will receive the gift of a book and a pencil. Due to the increasing number of students with allergies and special diets, we are no longer allowing outside food treats to celebrate student birthdays. You may send in a non-food item or purchase a Smart Snack from our school cafeteria. Our cafeteria manager is aware of students’ needs and would be able to plan according in order to keep all students safe. If you are interested in purchasing a birthday treat to celebrate your child’s birthday, attached you will find a Smart Snack Order Form. If you have any questions with the order form, please contact Kathy Garvin, our school cafeteria manager, kgarvin@pasco.k12.fl.us. Other information regarding this school year, may be found in our QHES Student Handbook located on our school’s website and in the Student Code of Conduct which was sent home the first day of school.
Students who are being picked up early must be cleared to leave the school through the front office. All parents/guardians must pick up their children in the office. Students will be released only to those individuals listed on the information card that is provided to the school by the parent/guardian. A current photo identification of the person signing out a student/s must be shown at the time of release. Students should not be picked up for early dismissal after 3:15 p.m. due to interference with school dismissal and heavy traffic conditions, unless it is an emergency.
We are proud to be an important part of community life. The school reaches out to the community in the following ways:
School Advisory Council (SAC)- This council is composed of parents, volunteers, teachers, support staff, administrators, and business partners. The School Advisory Council serves as a resource by offering assistance and suggestions concerning our school. If you are interested in serving on SAC, please contact the school’s principal.
School Volunteer Program-The volunteer program is an integral part of a well-developed elementary school. Any amount of time, large or small, is appreciated. All volunteers must complete a volunteer registration form yearly prior to volunteering (this includes field trips). Please visit https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/comm/volunteer/ to become a school volunteer at QHES.
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)- The purpose of the Quail Hollow Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) is to promote the welfare of our children. They sponsor many educational opportunities for our youngsters, family activities, and gifts to our school. Parents are encouraged to join and participate in the activities.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Containing Material in schools, commonly referred to as AHERA. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) in their school buildings and to take appropriate actions to control release of asbestos fibers. All inspections for Quail Hollow Elementary have been completed and a Management Plan describing the results of the inspection and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspection, where applicable, has been submitted to the Governor for approval. A copy of this plan is located in the administration office at this school and at the District School Board of Pasco County Maintenance Department and is available for review upon request.
All asbestos assessed as being friable (easily crushed powder by finger pressure) and all accessible thermal system insulation (pipe insulation), which has been identified to contain asbestos, has been removed from this and all schools within the Pasco County School District